Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Day 43 and 44

A week in California did for me everything I needed and then some. I was ready to get back on the road but was still trying to line up some riders for the rest of the trip. On a whim, some friends from SF told me about this girl they knew in Brooklyn who surfed, was "rad" and was looking to get to Florida for some RnR. "Great!", I said. "Lets make it happen". Next thing I knew I was fresh off a red eye from SF and ringing the door bell of some strangers flat in Brooklyn. Circumstances lined up nicely. Two days, a couple new friends, and several late nights later, I was primed for the road but still minus my rider. Blain, who's flat I invaded so early that morning was in fact looking to get to Florida, but had already booked a flight. So as it was, I remained a solo traveler. I'd had a great time in New York regardless. Third visit in a month and at least the memories were with me for the long haul. The morning I left New York, Blain and I found ourselves on an ill fated shopping excursion en route to her office with a less than perfect nights sleep under our belts. Feeling kinda slow and empty handed we arrived to the corner where I'd leave her. After a brief goodbye double parked between the change in traffic lights, she went toward work and I went toward New Jersey.

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