Wednesday, October 10, 2007

day 33 to 35

The drive from NH to Nova Scotia was a solid five hundred plus miles of beautiful trees in near full fall color. Sunset was at 7PM and I rolled on another six hours arriving at the beach in Lawrencetown by 1AM. Morning light brought a heavy heart. Flat surf conditions and onshore wind. Boo Hoo kids. After 5500 miles of vanning alone with the hopes of scoring some epic right point surf, my whoopie cushion deflated with that familiar farting sound. Not so funny this time. I attempted to fend off my disappointment by setting out on a five mile bike ride along a picturesque old railroad bed snaking its way past salt marshes and teams of sea birds. The diffused sun paused the day in a hazy mid morning light that made my body feel heavy with sleep. My head developed a post party night fogginess and I lost interest in the beauty around me. I wanted a latté and a seat by a sidewalk teaming with people who's lives I could speculate on based on their outfits. I wanted my favorite burrito. I wanted that girl and my friends to be here with me. Goddamn, here it was. I felt alone and kind of depressed. I pulled my bike over and sat for a while thinking. I closed my eyes and just pictured it all as I wanted it. Home, surf, girl, burrito, latté. Five minutes later I actually felt better. The wind was dead calm and the tide falling. I pedaled back to the van with zest and decided to check the point again for any signs of surf. There was the littlest bump on the water when I arrived and there was one guy out. That sealed the deal. I was in the water for two hours until the wind was blowing so hard on shore that I just let it blow me in to the beach. With the wind swell dropping, I decided to head to Halifax for the next two days for some city time. It's a good town with a feeling that blends a bit of SF and NY into a smaller city. It was just what I needed. Plenty of people, lattés and good food. I received an email about a job back in SF and thought how fortunate! Perfect timing! I promptly bought a plane ticket home and booked my self and the van a spot on the CAT. This is the high speed ferry that goes from Yarmouth, NS to Portland, Maine. There was no way I was doing that eleven hour trip again. The CAT only took six hours to get to Maine where I was scheduled to meet the parents for a little holiday weekend visit. Stoked! It was all lining up! In a week I'd be home!

This stuff is so good.

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