Thursday, September 6, 2007


Woke up at 10:30AM after some much needed rest. Headed out to the
Tofitian (the coffee joint) for a latté and hit the beach. It was glassy and small. The bars weren't really lining up but I wanted to surf none the less. After 4 hours of dumpy but fun surf the wind got on it and I paddled in. Fueled up with some PBJ sandwiches and headed back to town. The beach is about 17k south of downtown. Back in town I jumped on my bike and tooled around with the camera stopping to pick up a case of LUCKY LAGER and some salad makings for tonight's feast. There are heaps and heaps of wild black berries all around town so while pedaling every now and then I'd pull over and pick a few gems. Yum. Upon returning to the house I was informed that the case of beer I bought was called the "salmon pack" because it has an image of a guy holding a salmon on the front and contains three extra beers making it a 15 pack. I guess it works out if the fish are biting or not. Blake came clanging up from the basement which houses about six giant refrigerators full of fish and other game. He tossed a container on the counter and said "Moose steaks tonight!" I promptly asked who bagged it and if it was with a truck or a rifle. Everybody laughed then Blake took responsibility for the meal.

I wish I had the original photo

One of the six fridges...LUCKY on
top, Salmon on bottom, and a
Humbolt squid in the middle.
Yes, that's the one from Baja.

Blake with his marinated moose

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