Friday, September 7, 2007


Last night in Tofino the gang pulled out all the stops on the dinner. It wasn't on my account, they just like to eat and if they know how to do anything well it must have something to do with fish it was. Hand rolls of cold smoked salmon and avocado, tobiko, and rice. The rolls we built were epic. I swear I saw someone roll a foot long nori tube at one point. Pete threw the Coho he reeled in on the grill and we ate that too. There were even three or four orders of fried squid from the local Chinese food joint. AND...the fish just kept coming!.....Today I got up at 6AM with the guys so I could shoot some footage of them down at the docks before cutting out of town. On my way out they showed me fridge # 3 and said grab some fish for the road. Oh man! Cold smoked Salmon, fresh Coho, and Halibut. All line caught too. Damn,.. should have brought a bigger cooler! The rest of the day went off without a hitch. As I was leaving town I saw a black bear running on the side of the road which was cool. It made me think twice the next time I pulled off to pee. Made it to the ferry at Duke Point, BC just as the 10:30 blew its whistle. Drats! Had to wait for the 12:30. Just kicked back....then did the same on the ferry across. Sunny warm weather prevailed and made the drive back to Seattle a decent one even with Friday traffic. Back at Jess and Mike's place, I suprised'em with the cooler of fish and we set out on a dinner. After sitting on my ass all day, I had to get out and ride my bike after dinner. Always feels great. Went from Queen Anne to Ballard and found the sunset and a great little dump of a shack that caught my eye. Not a bad day at all. Tomorrow, a trip to the store for snacks and time to begin the long trip to the East.

My Tofino fortune cookie tells me......
I'm not sure what to think.